Registration Webinar
Doing Business in Germany & Israel

03/18/25 · 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM
The registration data is shared with our cooperation partner Grant Thornton Israel.
* To participate in the event, in addition to your consent, we need at least your first name, last name, your company, your place, and the e-mail address to which the confirmation is to be sent. Any further information is voluntary and will be used to address you personally and for queries regarding the e-mail address. It is your free decision whether or not you provide us with this information. Your consent can be revoked at any time at ** Ich kann meine Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft unter widerrufen. Weitere Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung erhalte ich in der Datenschutzerklärung, diese können Sie oben unter „Datenschutz“ abrufen.